FAQ for the Writer's Block

Frequently asked questions

How does your writer's group work?

Participants apply with an idea or a finished script. If accepted, you are put in a group with similar abilities where you will meet weekly on line for approximately 2 hours and critique each others stories. I will join in these meetings and note progress. It is imperative you show up each week, even if you have no new material of your own because these sessions are about creataive feedback.

How do you determine who is in my group?

From your application. The goal is to have groups with similar skill levels.

Will you attend all meetings?

Of course, unless there is a snow storm. Just joking, I look forward to it.

Can the writers stay in touch when it is done?

That is really the point. I will help you get started, then urge you to continue meeting without me when I start with a new group.

What are the requirements for applying

The basic requirements are that you have a passion for storytelling and are willing to set aside some time to commit to it. This is not only about coaching you on your specific idea, but giving you an education. In the actual application I will determine your level, and adjust my expertise to your needs.

How Much does it cost?

50 dollars a month, so a bit more then 10 dollars a week. Live feedback from your peers and me will be invaluable in helping your project move forward and blossom.

Why is their a 3 month requirement?

Because for the participants to excel it requires a serious commitment. 3 months is just the beginning.